Robert Dominiak

Stowarzyszenie Koło Polarne - Polar Circle Association

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 10:00 - 17:00
DescriptionAssociation established to promote education associated with travel and learning values of Scandinavia and other polar regions among children and youth. Promotion of culture, history, geography of the Nordic countries, as well as other countries related to the polar regions, encouraging travel, development of interests. The association completes its objectives by: organising all kinds of local events associated with Scandinavia, trips for teenagers, study tours for teachers, counsellors, members of the Association, organising presentations, slideshows, film shows, assemblies with travellers, participation in tourism fairs and other events promoting tourism, competitions - Polar Circle Championships.
Organization Type Other, Tour operator
CityBytów, ul. Zwyciestwa 7/10 Google map

Everything for children - travel and promotion of Nordic Countries

29 years of experience in traveling around Scandinavia with tourist groups has led me to the creation of our Polar Circle Association. We work for children in primary schools. the result of our activity are events for children (e.g. Polar Circle Championship), film and slide shows as well as organized trips - also to Scandinavia.